Sunday, May 26, 2013

                                      Umm…I can’t name it!

Hello Fellas J

Normally my weekends are occupied with movies or hang out with friends or long drive with the special one and in the end dreading about the monstrous-monday! But this weekend was like a long vacation. Long lazy hours with family! Cousins had come over to spend their last days of holidays and it made me revisit my school days and the joys of a summer vacation.

Saturday being a bank holiday, my folks were at home. The day began with my mother’s overpowering obsession about cleaning every single corner of the house and me complaining about it. I chose to run a few errands rather than the messy cleaning.  

The lazy lamhe continued with a yummy lunch of aamraas puri and masale bhaat (rice) followed by an afternoon siesta. I woke up to the loud noises of the much awaited relatives. The house was suddenly alive with everyone occupying their favorite corner. With dominos for dinner and game of cards, rounds of charades, loads of chit-chat, none of us realized that it was almost 3 am.

Everything that was happening was so simple, so effortless and yet so pleasurable. We teased each other, laughed over the silliest of things and recollected all the stupid incidences, over which we had fought, argued and cried t – it all seemed as if it was yesterday.

It still seems like yesterday when the first signs of clouds (for me) only meant the beginning of a new year in school – with new books and their nostalgic smell, new uniform, new shoes, new things to share with friends, new teachers,  new promises of ‘studying this year’ etc etc. Life was a simple assortment, served on platter!

Seriously, we all were so naïve then. And we all dreamt of growing up, becoming this, doing that, achieving this-that, which we did and are still doing. But I am sure we all will readily trade a part of this ‘growing-up’ how-so-ever great it may be, to live one day into that yesterday, for one more time. That very yesterday which still seems like ‘just yesterday’ but was ideally the longest carefree phase of life.

Tomorrow one might feel the same about today, that’s the way it is. Simplicity still has a great value, cherish it thoroughly till it becomes a thing of ‘yesterday’ forever!

There’s actually so much to say about that beautiful thing called ‘childhood’, but I would like leave it unsaid, so that you can prolong your stay ‘in your childhood’ for a little longer. 

       J Stay Tuned In To Life J

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