Tuesday, August 13, 2013

                     For you a thousand times over.

Don't bother reading further if you don't know the origin of this line because you may not share the same sentiment as I do.

Last weekend I revisited the streets of Kabul and met Amir & Hassan once again. I cried just like the last time. It surely is not easy when life faces its own irony. I wondered yet again what made the give & take in their relation so intense. Why do we come across so many Hassans & Amirs in life, wherein one is constantly at the giving end & the other is constantly at the receiving end?

Why does 'courage' come so effortlessly to Hassan? Why are there more Amirs in the world? When was the last time you had stood up for what you felt was right without caring a damn about anyone/anything? Courage is not just rare these days but also comes with a heavy price. No this doesn't burn a hole in your pocket, it burns the whole of U.

Sixty-six years of Independence and we are still only talking about 'courage', telling tales of the courage showed by those golden people whose debt we can never repay. Its time we say this to our motherland - for you a thousand times over!

I wish and pray to the Almighty to bless each one of us with the virtue to fly high like the kite and also the courage to 'run that kite'

       J Stay Tuned In To Life J

1 comment:

  1. Well I really liked the use of KR's dialogue in this context. Needs no elaboration.
